Rebekah first came to Kenya to volunteer with HCO at the HOH Baby Center last summer. She had time to see the overview of the baby house and general ministry, as well as experience the culture of Kenya. Her goal in coming last summer was to get a feel for what life might be like as a missionary. It was a somewhat different objective in coming than what most short term volunteers have. She was here to see the operational side, the real, long-term life of a missionary, rather than just seeing the work being done and working first hand with Kenyans, although she definitely did get some of that aspect as well, as it is naturally part of the job, the purpose and what motivates us to do what we do. Little did we know at the time what the Lord would have in store for her...or for us!
As Rebekah spent this past year seeking the Lord, He has made it clear to her that she is the one to come work with us for the remainder of this calendar year. Rebekah has felt called to full-time ministry, but also desiring to use her gifts of business management in that ministry. With a background in business and accounting and a heart for ministry, Rebekah is EXACTLY what we are needing here on the ground in the HCO Kenya ministry!
So, I am off to Nairobi tomorrow and will pick Rebekah up at the airport Wednesday night! (Yes, Rebekah, I WILL be there!)
I am overwhelmed by God's provision and so grateful for Rebekah. She is coming at a time I am needing her help very much! Hopefully, if things work out as I am planning (yes, with great prayer and leading of God) she will have over a month to train with me, then will be here to manage and carry out the work, overseeing staff, expenses, business and ministry, while I am in America for a few months.
Welcome, Rebekah! I look forward to a great few months with you!

I'm so excited! Can't wait to see everyone!
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