The aunties texted me early in the morning to ask if they could bring the babies on a field trip to surprise Julia with a visit from the whole baby house. And she was indeed surprised! She was so excited to run to the gate and welcome them, and then to tell me over and over that "the babies are at Julia's house!"
All the aunties walked down the hill with babies tied on to spend a few hours at Julia's house. They walked down at the beginning of morning nap time and stayed through lunch, going back just in time for afternoon nap. After a busy time with all babies out of their familiar surroundings and routine, we drove them back to the baby house so they could be sure to all get their full rest time in the afternoon. We all shared tea and muffins while the babies enjoyed crawling around in the sunshine.
Oh, how I love my job! And as excited as I am to be going to America, I will miss these little ones and their beautiful aunties SO, So, so much!!!

208. Rain through the sunshine.
209. Pinning flowers on little girl hats.
210. Boys pretending a Dora adventure with Julia.
211. The right verse at the right time.
212. Julia telling the Consulate officer: ”I want to go to Papa’s house.”
213. Words from a Consulate officer: “I’ll be able to help you today.”
214. and “Safari njema, little Julia. Say hello to your Papa.”
215. Knowing guests are here by hearing Julia yell, “Welcome! Welcome! Kibu!”
216. A surprise visit from ALL the aunties and babies!
217. Feeding lunch to William, under the shade of the avocado tree.
218. Staff meeting in my back yard.
Well don't the aunties look smart! :)
love all these pictures so much! and annabelle's outfits CUTE! i just walked past some adorable ones in target and it killed me once again! but now i can send them back with you when you're in the STATES! love this post!
such a fun day! loved every minute of it! :)
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