Now, Megan has blessed our boys with a whole container of stuff that was bought and sent just for them! They know that everyone remembers the babies and sends thing for the babies, so this time, they were elated to have a package that came filled to the brim with fun gifts for them!
In the container, Megan sent a note specially written to each boy. They were amazed that she actually knew them and knew things about them.
There were things that each of them enjoy, like cars for Collins and footballs for Humphrey and Patrick.
And things that they could all enjoy and do together, like books of words searches and a Twister game.
This was an awesome gift for the boys. Every night, they have been enjoying special gifts from Megan. Books, Jenga, dominoes, playing cards, and so much more!
Thanks, Megan, for being such a special part of His Cherished Ones! Be sure to check out Megan's website to see what this gifted, focused and determined young woman is doing.

Playing with them has been amazing, and has been a great way to connect with them. Thanks Megan for your great gifts, because of your generous heart I have been able to make connections with these amazing boys!
Thanks Trena for your post. Megan is at camp but I know that when she returns she will be excited to see the boys with their gifts.
i LOVE this. they are so excited! i love that patrick is holding onto that football for dear life! Thanks Megan!
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