Brian was supposedly left by his mother with a stranger, an old mzee (old man). When she did not return for him for almost a week, he took the boy to the police station. The mzee said he named him Brian and had been taking care of him for the whole week. It is highly likely that this is not the whole truth of the story, but that is what we have been told. What does seem obvious is that this little boy is used to being with his mama. He seems so sad and is having some detachment issues. Whichever auntie he first connects with in the morning is his auntie for the day, and he cries if she is not within reach. Actually, he cries for most any other reason as well.
He has begun to calm a bit. He has been trying to stand and take a few steps, and is beginning to play with toys and explore his new home.
Little Brian has been with us for just four days so he is still adjusting. Please pray for him to feel at peace. I think he misses his mommy.

he is SO beautiful! dreamt about being with you all...AGAIN. in KENYA this time. i live for pictures. just sayin ;) love!
also- he's got the same nose and skin of annabelle. love it.
Yeah, when they described him to me the day he came, they said he could be Annabelle's big brother. :-)
absolutely. i'll take them both.
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