So many reasons. I don't even know all of the reasons yet. But as I keep reading, continuing to explore, looking for more gifts from God, opening my eyes to the blessings He has already placed before me, I discover more reasons and more ways God is using them to show Himself to me and draw me closer.
As I move from one HUGE blessing (getting Julia's passport) on to our next phase of trust in this, our journey to America (the visa), I must surely cling to the promises of God. It is hard to remain strong and optimistic and not be overcome by fears of the "what ifs." This is time - it is always time - to cling to the "God IS." It is a time to trust Him. Our journey to America is just one of the many things that I must trust Him for in this "job" I do! There are always problems to solve, battles to fight, obstacles to overcome, hoops to jump through. Trust is a must. But it isn't always easy, is it? How do we do it, just trust?
"Thanks is what builds trust." (p. 150) Once again, One Thousand Gifts pierces my heart with simple reminders of the obvious that are so easily forgotten. Why do I count His blessings in my life? Because it draws my heart to thanksgiving. It reminds me of His ever-present faithfulness in my life. And that is what I cling to when facing the next hard steps, the frustrations of life, the shadows of despair around every corner, the problems too big for me to solve.
Trusting in God is the answer. But how do I do that? Easier said than done sometimes, isn't it?
"Can God be counted on? Count blessings and find out how many of His bridges have already held." (p. 151)
Once we begin to see where we have walked, from where we have come, the promises kept, the gifts already given, and evidences of His presence, reminding us that we are not alone, our trust is strengthened. When we recognize the gifts - the everyday blessings or the miracles - we can thank Him for them. And that conscious act of thanking Him for them draws us to Him and builds trust.
So one more reason why I count gifts is because it builds my trust in God. And this life I live (the lives we all live) is one that depends on trusting Him! I simply cannot face the struggles of living and ministering in a hurting, starving, developing country without knowing He is here with me. Counting reminds me was, He is, and He will be. And it helps me in our journey to America, knowing that He has been there to bring us this far, so He will be with us til the end!
His bridges HOLD!

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