The day (well, the determining day) that we have been waiting for is almost here! In just two days from now, we will know if we will be allowed to go to America or not! It seems so strange that all we have worked for comes down to this one meeting, this one interview.
I truly believe that the Lord has brought us this far, and He will not abandon us now. I believe we will get to go to America! All the documents we have gathered, affidavits signed, days and days waiting hours and hours in crowded court rooms, we are at our final step in our journey to America. The visa interview at the US Embassy. The guardianship ruling and getting your passport were HUGE steps in getting us to this point, but those things alone can't get us to America. But...this one can!
Oh, little girl, I can't wait to tell everyone that we ARE coming to America! I know you are so excited too! You talk about it more than I expected you would. It is fun for me to see that you really get it and understand what we are going to do. You are such a smart little girl!
And speaking of smart, your favorite school thing right now is your bears. (Thanks, Mrs Rhonda!!) And this former kindergarten teacher LOVES that you started sorting them by colors all on your own, the very first time you played with them. And right now, at the Hampton House, you are enjoying playing with them in the bathtub!
your first attempt at making a pattern :-)
And more for Nana....
So, my precious baby girl, we are almost there! In just a few days we will officially be allowed to travel to America! (And if for some reason, we are denied the visa, everyone better start praying for your mama's sanity! We will have to wait for possibly up to a year before going.)
I love you, Sweetie!

i also love the vids. she's got counting DOWN! miss you both!
praying praying praying!
I know! "6" finally came! Kinda confusing counting to 10 and there only being 9 objects.
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