"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)
From the lovely book, "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp once again I find some convicting words of truth. "Stress isn't only a joy stealer. The way we respond to it can be sin." (p. 146) Ouch. In the midst of my stressful week, have I been allowing God to use it for His glory? He is in the middle of it all, isn't He? "What if I opened the clenched hands wide to receive all that is? A life that receives all of God in this moment?" (p. 145)
God is in this moment. Am I going to see Him, or am I going to let fear, discouragement and doubt overtake me? That would be so easy to do. Those very feelings began to creep in and threaten to consume me this week.
I had that drowning feeling. You know, that feeling like you are in a tank and water begins to fill. At first, just filling the bottom, a little water to kick around and play in. Those little things the pop in and derail your own plans. No big deals. But then it begins to fill, consuming waters of the stresses in our life, fears of future. When you see the waters rising in the corners of your eyes, it is hard not to panic. Stress seems to dominate and rule over trust.
How do I handle this stress? Will I trust Him when I feel like I am drowning in the stress and doubt? Won't He save me and see me through? Can't I find joy here, too?
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
(John 14:1)
How will I respond to the stresses of this life? I chose to trust the Lord. He is Lord. I know what He has spoken to me and promised me, and to that I will cling. Yes, sometimes easier said than done! But I will chose to trust. A conscious decision. I - chose - to - trust. "Trust. It's the antithesis of stress." (p. 146) Isn't this just another opportunity to see God and find joy in the everyday, joy in this life He gives?
"Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord."
(Psalm 40:4 NLT)
Trust. Definitely easier said than done. But God is here. And this is where I will find joy. Trusting in Him. And in doing so, I meet Him. I see His face. And He fills me with joy and peace.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)
I pray that you also will be blessed in the hope of Christ, knowing that His power is at work within you, and there, you will find joy.

Thanks Trena for this insightful entry -- it was a blessing in my day as I also had a stressful week moving my mom (Susan's Grandma from Florida to Michigan!). Your entry gave me peace.
many blessings... LeAnne
Whew! That one was for your mama too! Thanks Baby! LUM
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