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Monday, May 9, 2011

What the ladies have been up to.....

I haven't written much about our ladies at Cherished Handworks lately, but they are still there. :-) And working hard! Here is a sampling of what they have been working on....

Interchangeable flower hats:

Fixed flower hats:

I am so proud of these ladies! They have come so far and have done so much! They are a wonderful group of women and we are blessed to have them.

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51. A pile of the ladies’ baby hats.
52. Cooking by lantern light while Julia holds the lantern.
53. Mother’s Day talks with my mom.
54. David’s smile and bounce when I walk into the room.
55. Annabelle’s deep stares.
56. Boys bantering like brothers.
57. Running errands with a car full of boys.
58. Poofy skirts and strawberry hats.
59. Banana milk memories.
60. Julia seeing her first rainbow (really seeing it)!


swonch said...

love all of this list and am so proud of the line of good hats! praying.

Johanna said...

Dear Trena!

Let me just say that I am quite addicted to these web pages and your blog. I found here trough a another Kenyan adoption blog. As my family is just in the beginning of adoption process, it is so nice to read about childrens home, where every one seems to be so well taken cared of and loved!

BTW, what do you wash the cloth diapers with? Is there a local brand that is good for them (low on soap etc)?

Trena said...

Thanks so much, Johanna. :-)
We use Sunlight washing powder because it is light. It is hard to balance quality + cost + efficiency, but that is the best balance for us. Our biggest priority in washing diapers is hot water, a hard concept for my Kenyan staff to get used to. So far, we have had no skin issues/allergies to Sunlight.
So, you are adopting in Kenya? Very exciting! I hope your process goes smoothly.

Johanna said...


Yes, we are taking our application to Kisumu this very week. It is a local adoption, we will be living in Kenya for about two years. I am Finnish, but my husband is Kenyan. Interesting times, no certainty of anything yet.

I have clothdiapered my two children in Finland, and only know how to do it with machine and certain powders... ONE attept years back in Kenya doing it by hands, and no more! My hands are weak in streght and skin especially! Now we have moved here BUT do have a good washing machine.

Quite interesting, I happened to order the same Flip diapers you use, to be deliver here by my Mom in case we do get a smooth ride to the adoption. If not, at least I know where to drop the flips now! :)

Trena said...


That is so wonderful! A local adoption is much less headache than international. I would love to chat more and hear about your experience (i.e. what agency you are using, etc). You can email me directly if you would like to. My email address is on the Contact Us tab.

Yes, Flip diapers are wonderful! So versatile. I am always impressed with my staff girls and their hard work in keeping the babies & all their nappies clean! I also am blessed to have a washing machine and cannot imagine how I lived without it!

Good luck as you begin the process!

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