Yesterday I wrote about the ugly-beautiful in life. You are my beautiful! I am so sorry that your little life had to come from some ugly when you were just beginning your life...but look where God brought you! And now you bring me great joy!
As you are getting older and learning to talk (a LOT), you bring me joy in the funny things you say. Auntie Jackie used to call you "the funny one." You still are! You have such a funny way of saying things. You said a lot of them this week.
Like when I asked you if you wanted to go see the giraffes, you said (in your sing-song voice),
"" I said, "Really, you don't want to go feed giraffes?" "Mom, I am just so tired."
And when you told Susan on a fairly cool afternoon when I had just put on a jacket, "Oh, goodness, Susan! It is just so hot outside today."
You bring me joy in the morning when I hear you call, "Mama!" I go into your room and after some cuddle time, you tell me, "It's morning time. Let's get up now."
You bring me joy in the daytime. I love to talk with you. We have some great conversations. And I love to look at you and watch you discover new things. I love to watch you play and enjoy the things around you.
And you bring me joy in the evening time when we lay in bed and say prayers. Sweet hugs with your little hands around my neck just melt my heart, especially when you whisper "I love you" in my ear!
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.
(Psalm 65:8)
You bring me joy! You are my beautiful, and I am thankful to God for bringing you to me.
I love you, baby girl!

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