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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Italian in the Baby House! :-)

Our beautiful Jeremiah is at his new (temporary - 8 month) home with his Mommy and Daddy tonight. It has been a wonderful week, watching them bond and play. It is simply wonderful to see the connection this little family has already made. They are so very natural, like they have been together forever.

Here is a little video of Federico and Veronica with Jeremiah & Julia, performing one of the Italian songs they have taught the babies and aunties. You can hear the aunties singing, too. :-) I am not sure if the video portrays it or not, but hopefully you can see how comfortable they all are, how easily Miah's family blended into the baby house.

It was truly a wonderful week and we will miss Miah - AND his mommy and daddy very much!
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Jen said...

Too cute! I love how well Julia knows the song. I can't WAIT to see y'all at Christmas! :) I think maybe another trip to Kenya is in order...

Carmen said...

Maybe you have already said it, but why is Jeremiah's placement temporary?

Trena said...

The placement is not temporary, but his homestay in Nairobi is temporary. They must do 3 months foster care before the adoption, then the adoption process will take 3-6 months. So he will be in Nairobi for quite a few months before going on to his real home in Italy.

swonch said...

i absolutely LOVE this! they are so wonderful and full of joy and life! so perfect. and yes they really do blend it perfectly! and love that julia knows it so well :)
so great!

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