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Thursday, July 7, 2011

A visit to Julia's "first family" home

Since we will not be around for awhile, we took a trip to Julia's first home to let her family know that we going to America for awhile.

Julia's "first mom" is not doing well. She was much less alert and aware this time. She has no idea who Julia is. The whole time we were there, her mother never got off the ground.

It is so hard to imagine that this is Julia's home. This is where her life began. This is where she would be today if her uncle had not taken her to the government children's home, which he did for her own safety.

I can't even imagine how different my little girl's life would be if even a few things had played out differently in her first year. It is obvious that she does not fit well in that environment. Her personality would be squashed and her brightness would be extinguished in that place. Yet, all the while, it is her home. It is where she came from. It is her family.

Once again, my little Julia's life is a very clear picture of God's redemptive grace.
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Jen said...

I love love love the picture of her and her 2 cousins (I'm assuming) backs. God's redemptive grace indeed. Not that she needed all she has to be happy, but that He prepared a place of safety, love, and joy for both of you to be made more holy in the process.

Karen Ivy said...

I am so thankful God brought Julia into our lives!

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