First Mexican food restaurant...Pappasito's. Mmmm!
First trip to Chick-fil-a!
Mommy wasn't the only one who enjoyed it...
First play place... and playing in it with Papa!
Julia's first friend in America, Miss Mickeala
Backyard fun
Snuggle time with Nana
Meeting the Chick-fil-a cow!
A new pink bike waiting at Nana & Papa's house (a special request put in on her own initiating in April!)
Meeting her cousin, Baby Will, who was quite enamored with her.
And Baby Will makes a great patient!
And fun backyard time with Papa. For weeks before, Julia has been saying, "We go to America and Papa will ride me my bike," meaning that Papa will teach her to ride her bike. Finally, her wish comes true. And it is a sight that warms my heart.
Our time in America is off to a great start! We are enjoying time with family and friends and having a few "down" weeks before I get busy with all the work ahead of us during our time in America. Julia is adjusting very well. And so are Nana & Papa! ;-) Thanks to all of you who have prayed for this time to come!

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