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Monday, November 15, 2010

Nakuru Vineyard

Today was baby dedication day at Nakuru Vineyard Church. What a special time for two sweet families. Baby Dedication is not a typical Kenyan practice, but the Vineyard church of Nakuru recognizes the significance of parents dedicating their children to the Lord and committing to raise these children in the faith and knowledge of God.

I love the worship at Nakuru Vineyard, but unfortunately my Kiswahili isn't good enough to get it all without seeing it with written word. I get most of it, though. And they do do some in English. Either way....great worship. 

And fortunately, the service is always dual English-Kiswahili. It takes a little longer with an interpreter, but this is Kenya so everything takes longer anyway. :-)

Julia and little Charmane are the youngest of the kids in Sunday school. They enjoy watching the older kids but just are not quite there with knowing what to do. 

This is Glen praying for the class before beginning the lesson. He is a cute little guy! He likes to hang out and play in my car.


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