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Monday, April 11, 2011

Guest Post from Kris

The following is from Kris. Kris is my best friend, but also the Director of Stateside Operations for His Cherished Ones. 
Thanks so much, Kris! I appreciate all that YOU do on that side. I could not be here without you being there. And thanks, Barry, for putting up with both of us.

Hello!  Greetings from Kenya …and now back in the States.  Barry and I have returned from our adventures in Kenya.  We so enjoyed our time with Trena and Julia as well as the staff, babies and other ministries of His Cherished Ones.  We are so blessed to be a part of this ministry and to see it in action on the field in Kenya.  God is doing amazing things in the lives of so many people. 

Trena does a wonderful job of showing the fruits of our labor and giving God the glory for each and every one. This blog is an awesome way to share it!!  As with any ministry, there is much that goes into it behind the scenes, and doing that in a foreign country proves to be an additional challenge, making everything a little more difficult. Even though I am VERY familiar with the daily operations of HCO in Kenya, I do not truly understand the daily challenges, struggles and frustrations until I am on the ground and see the craziness first-hand.  Supporting the ministry Stateside is EASY!

 I am ashamed to admit that in all of the busyness of preparing for my journey to Kenya, I neglected to fully prepare myself spiritually and emotionally for the journey.  As a result, my time was not as fruitful or supportive as it could have been.  I was there in my own strength trying to do what I do best….”fixing things” and offering support, advice and organization on the field.  God had other ideas.  He is much better at all of those things…in His own timing and in His own ways.  

Many things in Kenya do not make sense or work the way we think things should work.  At the end of the day, He is in control of ALL THINGS….in Kenya and everywhere.  The key to Trena’s longevity in Kenya, doing what HE has called her to do, is dependent on her reliance on Him.  Apart from Him, she can do nothing and is a feudal effort. In turn, it also depends on our prayer and support for her. There is so much that goes into her ministry that she never posts about on the blog. There are so many difficulties that she does not share with us, largely because they have become normal expectations for her, and sometimes because she just chooses to focus on and post about the positive. Though they may be “normal,” they are not easy, and over time will take its toll.  She really does depend on our prayers to be able to live and effectively operate in a developing country. She is very good at masking her everyday stress level. It is much higher than what is generally portrayed in this blog.

I ask you to join me in prayer for our friend.  May He give her supernatural strength, courage, peace, perseverance, boldness and compassion as she serves those in Kenya offering hope to His cherished ones. 

Love you, friend!!
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Karen Ivy said...

Thank you Kris! Praying my heart for Treen right now!

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