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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Let Our Hearts Prepare *Them* Room

As we are thinking of this Christmas season, preparing to celebrate the coming birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we at Haven of Hope are also preparing room for our new babies. 

In response to our recent Children's Department interview/inspection, they will likely be sending us more babies in the near future. Though our hearts are ready, our house is not. 

As you are shopping this Christmas, thinking of and planning for the gifts that you will give to family and friends, we would ask that you remember our little ones at Haven of Hope Baby Center. The little ones who have no family of their own. The little ones who depend on the gifts of others for their every need. 

There are a number of things that we need before we are fully ready to take new babies into our home. We are preparing for eight more little ones within the next few months. 

If you would like to help "prepare them room," consider giving a gift that will truly make a difference in the life of a little one who has no family to give gifts this Christmas. I know there are soooo many opportunities to give and countless needs this time of year. As you evaluate the kind of gift you want to give, consider giving one that will truly change the life of a precious little baby.

Consider our needs as a gift worth giving! :-) 

8 baby cribs @ $90 each

8 high chairs @ $50 each

8 sets of cloth diapers (Flip diapers by Cotton Babies) @ $150 each - This will keep the baby in diapers for over one year.

Please click above ("Invest in HCO") to go directly to our donations page and make an easy online donation via Network for Good. 

We wish you all a very merry, very blessed Christmas! 


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