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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Letters to Julia - You are my treasure

"For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21)

Dear Julia,

You went on your first camping trip last weekend and had a wonderful time! Well, it probably doesn't count as a real "camping" trip when we stay in an RV with its tv's, oven, refrigerator and microwave, nicer than most homes in Kenya, but still....camping. I think it may help the "camping" part of it that you spent the majority of the time in the dirt. You LOVE to play in the dirt! Digging, building castles, making piles, cooking. So much fun for my baby girl!
You got a super special treat when you and I returned from Fredericksburg to find that Nana & Papa had found a hidden treasure map! It was a map of our camping spot with X's marking buried treasure! Oh my goodness, the fun! 
 You and Nana set out on your quest to find the hidden treasure, marking landmarks and counting steps.
You worked so hard to dig and dig and dig to find the hidden treasure! 

What a joy it was for you when you found it, silver coins!

You know, I think I had as much fun watching you as you did searching for your buried treasure. And it brought me as much joy to watch you find it as it did you. YOU are my treasure! Finding you has brought me so much joy. Being your mommy is the best gift in the world! I could search and search and dig and dig and never find anything as precious as you. 

I pray that as you grow, you will know the greatest Treasure of all....the love of God and his Son, Jesus Christ. I pray that you will want Him with your whole heart and will search for Him always, finding Him right beside you, in your heart, and offering you more of Himself every day. May you desire Him more than any other riches of this earth. May you seek after Him with fervor.

And I pray also that you will love Him more than anything of this world, that you will know that your greatest treasure is stored for you in heaven, and may you, one day, willing and wholeheartedly follow Him.

"...Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."
(Luke 18:22)

I love you, baby girl. YOU are my treasure!


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Caitlin Irene said...

this made me smile!! love it :)

Elizabeth said...

aww i love you both. what a blessing.

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