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Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Little Monkey

Julia loves to read and sing. Most kids have their favorite books that mom and dad get tired of. I am betting that one of ours will be "Eight Silly Monkeys." But for now, I love hearing her little voice recite "No mo' monkeys, no jumpin da bed" while she plays and entertains herself.

It is hard to not be teachery sometimes. I am so proud of her and all her early reading skills! She will point to words when she reads, with correct directionality, and then point to the pictures when she is talking about the pictures. Sometimes she gets sidetracked when she notices a letter that she knows. Yep, sometimes the kindergarten teacher still comes out in me.

Thanks to Susan for videoing! Since Julia and I are always by ourselves at bedtime, it was nice to have someone else around to video while we read. (We were staying at a guesthouse in Nairobi.) Anytime I get out the camera, the performance instantly stops. This time, she didn't even notice the camera. 

And thanks to Adam, my pastor from Trinity Vineyard in Cypress who came to visit, for showing me how to (finally!!!) upload a video onto YouTube!!! I'm going to keep claiming the excuse of learning a Mac for not having been able to figure it out.
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