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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome Faith and Eli!

I went to pick up a two month old baby boy today from Nairobi Children's Home.  I came home with him.....and a two week old baby girl. They are Dennis Elijah (who we will probably call Eli) and Faith.

Please pray for Faith as she may have a heart defect.  All I know at this time is that she has a "heart lesion" which could be something as simple as a heart murmer.  No matter what it is, I knew I had to get her out of that place. A place where she truly had no hope.  Their action plan was to just "wait to see if she will be fine or die."  Nairobi Children's Home is a government run home that, as of today, has 92 children, 5 staff caretakers, and one volunteer caretaker.


Abandoned Baby.  He was found in a park by a lady who exploited him.  She walked around with him asking for money to feed her baby.  Someone who knew she did not have a child reported it to the Children's Department and he eventually was taken to Nairobi Children's Home.


Orphaned/Abandoned Baby.  Her mother died at childbirth.  The family came and took the mother's body but left the baby.  She was being held in the hospital due to health concerns and during that time, no one came to see or take her.  At two weeks (yesterday) she was discharged and taken by the local police to Nairobi Children's Home.

Praise God for giving us the opportunity to help these two babies whose lives have not started out under the best of circumstances.  We pray that He will continue to guide us and provide for the needs of caring for these sweet little ones.  What a privilage to be a part of what the Lord is doing!


marty h said...

Wow, God's timing is amazing - that little Faith came to the Nairobi home just when you would be there. He has a special plan for both these little ones. Gives you goosebumps to see divine intervention in action. Praise His Name!

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