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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Swahili Time

The best friend in the whole world got me the best Christmas present...early! Kris bought me the Rosetta Stone Swahili program and it came in the mail. I've already installed it and started practicing! It is a very cool program. I feel like my PPCD and speech students when I use it! It teaches exactly the way we teach our children with communication delays.

The little Swahili that I did learn while in Kenya were basic communication phrases. Learning language through this program is very different. It uses pictures and vocabulary to build communication, rather than direct translation for specific phrases. It's very fun! There's even a voice recorder. It records your voice, then shows the sound wave-lengths for you recording and the native speaker's recording to see how closely they match. Very cool stuff.

So, what am I doing while I am home in Midland? Learning Swahili! Oh, I will so much more to learn, but this will be a great head-start. My friend, Shem, will help me get the language tutor when I get to Kenya. Exciting times!


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