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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I'm tired. I have been filling out the application for the IMB. Actually, "filling out the application" sounds too simple...I've been writing, and writing, and writing about everything I believe, in terms of salvation, the work of the Holy Spirit, the life and ministry of Christ, the role of God as our Father, the Trinity in general, the local church, the ministry of body of Christ as a whole, and anything else you can imagine as it relates to our Faith in Christ!!!

Although my mind is a little tired (because I haven't actually had to think in a very long while!), it has been an incredible process. I felt like I was back in college in a Christian theology class! I think we so often take our faith for granted. We don't really even think about why we believe what we believe....or for that matter, what we do believe. As I was writing my answers, I found that it wasn't that difficult. (Get me started on any topic, and I'll take off!) I know what I believe, and I know why. But, I don't often reflect on that. As Christians, we are BLESSED! We are blessed to have LIFE in Christ, and life abundantly! Oh, how I take that for granted! Jesus had to endure a LOT for me to have the freedom I do. I deserve death, but I "get" life...forever! And, all I had to do was accept and believe that! How easy was that? Well, I guess it wasn't so easy for Jesus. And, it isn't so easy for all people to accept that. When I stop and think about it all, it really is almost infathomable...so easy, it's hard.

Another good point in the application process - I have a whole new respect for Baptist missionaries on the field. I admire ALL missionaries on the field! But, I like knowing the care the IMB takes to ensure that all those on the field are doctrinally sound and on the same page. It is truly the most thorough process I have ever been through - and I'm only applying for short-term two year service! The Online Health Questionaire alone had a note in the directions to prepare for a three hour time frame to complete!

ALL of that to say....I'm almost finished with the IMB application!! I only have my 8 page biography to write!

(How was that for a long undate?) :-)


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