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Friday, October 8, 2010

Please Pray for My Mom

I mentioned a few days ago that my mom had an accident and is not doing too well. She fainted, fell and hit her head and has not been doing well since then. That was Wednesday of last week. She is still in the hospital. 

She is better, but still not able to sit for more than a few minutes and she is not able to stand without fainting. She is in severe head pain, which is to be expected, but it drains her energy terribly. Between that and the drugs, she is only able to stay awake for a few hours of the day. She is mentally alert, as much as to be expected for a concussion. She knows what is going on and knows details (like asking me about the preparations for Kris's shower) and she remembers most things (like her trip to Kenya a few weeks ago), but she still has trouble with some random facts like where she was born and what year it is. Those type of things come and go. All typical of a concussion. 

I would ask you to please pray for her. Pray that:
- the doctors would figure out what is causing the fainting, 
- her head pain would cease, or at least decrease,
- she will regain strength and be able to support herself while sitting,
- for peace and comfort when she realizes she will not make it to Kris's wedding (and the same for me and Kris!!!)

I must say that I am so thankful for God's timing and for the time my mom had with Julia in Kenya. I am thankful that this did not happen while she was in Kenya. We were so blessed with an amazing time together! She absolutely adores Julia...and visa versa! And I am thankful for the healing my mom has already received and the healing that is yet to come! 

Here are a few pictures of Julia and Nana's time together...


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