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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Miss My Growing Babies!

I am SO happy to be at home in Texas for a few weeks, but I am missing my babies terribly!  I am constantly looking at the clock, calculating the time difference and imagining what the babies are doing right then.  Yes, constantly. You could ask me at any given time what is going on at home (my Kenya home) and I could tell what the babies would be doing within seconds. Pathetic, I know.  

Since I am missing them and cannot see them right now, I decided to reminisce a bit and post some pictures of some of the babies the week I left (last week).  They are growing so fast!  

Hope - I weighed her the Friday before I left (Nov 20) and she was 6lbs, 9oz.  She is still so small, but just look at her!  She is so alert. She lifts her head herself and can hold it up for a LONG time, almost a minute. She will also track with her eyes and move her head to follow.  I may be a bit bias, but I think she is advanced and is definitely going to be a genius!
She is two months old today.

Jeremiah - Not a great picture, but how often can you really get a first crawl captured in a photo?! This is Joshua, our groundskeeper/manager with him.  Joshua comes in daily and plays with Jeremiah, always crawling on the floor with him, putting his legs up under him and trying to get him to crawl.  Jeremiah is usually not so interested.  He can scoot and commando crawl faster than we can walk, so why bother with crawling?  But, this is the day he did it!  Joshua was down on the floor with him.  They were playing the copy-cat game (which is WAY funny to watch!) and then Joshua said, "Up!" and Jeremiah copied him! Joshua said, "Walk!" and Jeremiah did it!  His first crawl....right here.  Last week.  
Jeremiah is now nine months old.

Elizabeth - Sitting with just the support of a boppy pillow!!  She is very tall, so if you know these pillow, you will understand how little support that it for her!  She has made GREAT progress in these past three months.  I am so proud of her.  I really believe she will be sitting alone within the next few months.  She can sit for a few seconds and thinks it is just the greatest thing ever.  She will laugh and laugh at herself, especially after she falls over.  
Elizabeth is 2 1/2.

Julia - Almost walking!  She can take a few steps before falling. She still does not want to be forced to walk. Crawling is SO much faster!  And yes, I know she looks like a little ragamuffin. Teaching the girls (the caretakers) to match clothes the way we would here in America is NOT as easy as you would think! And the nappies (cloth diapers) are HUGE! No wonder she doesn't want to walk...too much to maneuver! 
Julia is almost 11 months old. 

Thanks for letting me ramble about some of my babies.  It helps with the homesickness.  I know everyone around me wishes I would just shut up about them, especially Julia.  She will get her own blog post very soon. I already feel that one coming on!  

Oh yeah....and stay tuned for a BIG blog change.  I have heard that some of you do not like this new one, but just wait til you see what is coming!!! (Then, I will leave it alone and not change it anymore.)


mommaof3 said...

Such cute pictures!!!!

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