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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sports Evangelism Update - HUGE Success!

We went back to Western Kenya for another sports evangelism event this past weekend. We had another football (soccer) match. It was great! We could not have imagined the turnout. There were over a thousand people there. The interesting thing about sports, especially soccer, is that it attracts all types of people. Young, old…men, women…Christians, non-Christians.

So many people who fall between the cracks in other ministry areas will show up for a community event like a football match. People who would not attend a crusade or church service to hear the Word of God preached will come to a football match and hear the same message. And when word spreads about the gathering of people, they come by the droves! By the end of the last match, the entire perimeter of the field was covered.

Amazingly, almost all of the crowd stayed for the preaching. Please pray for those who claimed salvation and for the local pastors who will try to connect with them. There were over 80 hands raised!

Just as in Ahero at the last match, the women started their own game of netball. So, half the crowd was turned to them and half towards the football men. Those ladies were intense! It was fun to watch. We had prizes for them, too. And from now on, women’s netball will coincide with the men’s football matches.

Travel for these guys is not easy. Not a single team member has any personal mode of transportation and they cannot afford fare to the other village. So, we rented a mini-bus to take them. Having teams come from other towns and village is part of the attraction of the event. Knowing that there are visitors brings people out.

Thank you to those of you who support me financially!!! Our contribution to the event was transporting the team to the other village and contributing to the prizes.


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