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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lizzy's First Day of School

Elizabeth is now an official student at Heshima Center for Children with Special Needs! Though she has been receiving physical therapy at Heshima for about six months, she now attends the center daily and receives physical therapy twice per week, plus speech and occupational therapy and lots of developmental play and instruction.

Her first day was a huge success and she loved getting to play in the new relaxation room!

There are a number of costs required for Lizzy to go to school. She needed a sponsor in order to add additional staff and pay for school incurred expenses. There was also the additional cost of transport fees for her and her aid, Anne, to get to and from school each day. (We live quite far out.)  

Thank you to Charlie & JoAnna Swift and Rhonda Hoffman & Alysha Oswald for taking the financial responsibility to allow Lizzy this opportunity!! God has truly used you to make a difference in Elizabeth's life!

An update on Elizabeth's progress: Not only has she met her physical goals of sitting unassisted and rolling over, she has exceeded those by sitting for long periods of time (over 5 minutes) and rolling successively. If she falls forward while sitting, she is able to push herself back up to a sitting position.  She can also wipe her mouth with a bib when instructed, climb out of her Bumbo chair, and is beginning to try to crawl. 

Consider in all of this that Elizabeth was barely able to hold her head up when she came to us in August at the age of 2 1/2 years old! If she has made this much progress in these first six months of one day per week therapy and in-home support, imagine the progress she will make in the next six months with such focused support!!  What a blessed opportunity for this precious little girl!

Thanks to everyone who has had a part in making a difference in Elizabeth's life! Your prayers are invaluable!


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