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Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Rocking Chairs

Thank you to Don & Jeannie Lewis of Midland, TX and Ken & Judy McFarland of Lumberton, TX for our new rocking chairs!!  

Every house full of babies needs rocking chairs, right?  Well, they are HARD to find here! A friend of mine tried to have them made by fundis (fundi = expert in something, used to describe craftsmen) but all outcomes proved to be miserable attempts. They just could not understand the concept. I finally found a store that sold them ready made - and they are glider rockers! One is downstairs in the playroom and one is upstairs in the little babies' room.

I brought them home and had to explain the concept of rocking and demonstrate using the chair. It is more natural for them to bounce the baby to soothe, whereas we in America typically rock and sway.  The girls and I have had this conversation MANY times, so the rocking chair was a great way to demonstrate that it is something real, not just another crazy American thing I am asking them to do. 

When Julie first sat and tried out the chair, she looked confused. Irene asked her how it was and she said "I cannot feel it moving." She was rocking!  The rocking footstools/ottomans came with the chair.  They asked if they were just sitting stools or rocking tables as well.  Umm....neither.  And the explanation/demonstration that followed was quite awe inspiring to them.  A crazy concept, I guess. 

All in all, the girls are very excited to have the chairs!  Irene even volunteered to do night duty tonight and it's not even her night!  

Thanks, friends, for your donations! They really do make a difference in the lives of our babies!!  


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