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Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday's Favorites

Favorite Friends Episodes!

Yes, I am a Friends fan.  I'm sure there is something more wholesome and uplifting that I should be watching, but I must admit that a Friends DVD is playing in the background at my house most of the time.  

The first seasons of Friends was part of my Thursday ritual in college. My best  friend Angie and I lived for Thursdays. Our weekly routine consisted of a trip into Lexington, KY to have dinner at Chick-fil-a, a stop at The Great American Cookie Co to pick up our double-doozies to enjoy while watching Friends back in our room at Kresge dorm at Asbury College.
In its last season, Friends was still part of my Thursday routine. This time, with my best friend Kris when we lived in Houston.  Again, the ritual usually included Chick-fil-a for dinner, but occasionally replaced with Papa John's pizza.  
Even now, living in Kenya, Friends brings me great comfort in its familiarity and as a reminder of home.  Yep, they are my friends.  
Here are a few of my favorite episodes (in no particular order).  (And yes, they still do make me laugh, even now as I write about them!)

1. "The One With Chandler In a Box"
Monica: Fine. Judge all you want to, but.....married a lesbian, left a guy at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl's wooden leg in a fire, live in a box!

2. "The One Where No One's Ready"
Rachel: Does this look like something a paleontologist's girlfriend would wear?
Pheobe: I don't know.  You might be the first one.

3. "The One Where Ross is Fine"
Ross: Fajitas!! Be careful! Very hot plate! Very hot!!
Rachel: Ross, you don't even have oven mitts on!
Ross: That is gonna hurt tomorrow.

Ross: I'm FINE. I'm fine. Really.  I'm fine.

4. "The One Where Everybody Finds Out"
Pheobe: They don't know that we know they know we know.

5. The One Where Joey Speaks French
Pheobe: Je m'appelle Claude.
Joey: Je do call blue.
Pheobe: Nooooo!!!! Ok, maybe if we just break it down. Ok, let's try one syllable at a time. Ok? Repeat after me. "Je"  -   Joey: Je
Pheobe: M'ap       Joey: mah
Pheobe: Pelle      Joey: pel
Pheobe: Great! Ok, faster! Je         Joey: Je
Pheobe: M'ap       Joey: mah
Pheobe: Pelle      Joey: pal
Pheobe: Je m'appelle                     
Joey: Me pooh pooh!
Pheobe: Ok, it's too hard!!  I can't teach you!!!"

Okay, I'm off to bed....while Friends plays on the tv and the sleep timer is set. :-)

(For the record, Joey is my favorite.)


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