12 members of the soccer team are now in a 7 week discipleship class in preparation for baptism! Praise God! We continue to pray for the rest of the guys, but we thank the Lord for His faithfulness and His work in the lives of these 12.
Our team, called Salama Baptist Football Club, has since been invited to another community for the same type event! The word has gotten around and the territory is being enlarged!! So, we will return to Western Kenya on July 11th for the tournament on Saturday, July 12th. We will once again have the opportunity to preach the Word of God before the game and at half time. It is so exciting to see how quickly God has taken this team, this ministry partnership, and is growing it and using it for His glory!
Please pray for...
* continued growth and discipleship of those who made professions of faith at the last event
* the team to be an example and light to the community
* the upcoming event on July 12th, that the Lord would be glorified
* further opportunities to share the Word of God and love of Christ through future events
WooHoo!! Praise God. I am so happy that there are people on the ground following up and discipling these men. God is SO GOOD!!
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