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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Letters to Julia - Easter 2012

Dear Julia,
You have grown into such a beautiful little girl, no long a baby. I enjoyed watching you celebrate Easter this week. You are just like your Nana....you love celebrating any holiday! You had an absolute blast finding and re-hiding Easter eggs, over and over again. And thug the thrill of the Easter Bunny's visit was pretty exciting, you truly blessed my heart when I heard you tell the boys why we celebrate Easter. You said, "Easter is because God died on the cross and then He was not dead because Jesus is alive."
I love watching you grow, and love watching you learn about Jesus and tell others about Him. On Easter, we celebrate the life of Christ and the life we have in Christ. I pray for the day that you understand and know the power of the resurrection and the gift of eternal life in Christ! You are such a picture of God's grace and redemption already, and I know you will have such a special testimony of your faith one day. I can't wait to see the excitement that your face will radiate when you know Jesus as your Savior. Seeing the beginning stages of that blesses my heart!

I love you, Baby Girl!

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