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Monday, October 15, 2007


Thanks to all of you who have been asking about my trip to Richmond, VA. It was an incredible experience! I had a wonderful time, overwhelming, but wonderful!
In the end, I chose to leave with no IMB position. My prayer was for God to open up a job for me in Kenya, or change my heart and give me a passion for another place or people group. I could have prayed that prayer while sitting at home, but it was something entirely different to have such an opportunity to actively explore other options. I spent hours and hours praying, researching and learning about jobs all over the world. I was able to talk to field personnel on the ground about specific jobs. There were so many jobs that sounded just wonderful! There were jobs all over the world…in amazing places, doing amazing things! Again, it was an incredible experience.
Through all of that, my heart was still pulled toward Kenya. Nothing else gave me the peace in my heart that I felt when considering options in Kenya.
One morning while there I was looking for a scripture I had written in my journal. I came across something I had written/prayed in early September. I remember having two very distinct feelings at one point: peace and disappointment. I knew that God would reveal His plan for me and provide for my needs. Yet, I felt a tinge of disappointment. I kept reliving the feeling of disappointment I had felt when I realized the MK Consultant job I had wanted was not a possibility. I asked God to give me discernment: was this coming from Him, preparing for disappointment that I would feel, or was this a distraction from Satan as he tried to cast doubt?
My prayer was this…
“May I leave Virginia in Your peace, knowing that whatever You have shown me is in accordance with Your good, pleasing, and perfect will. Whether it be going with the IMB or not, may it all be to Your glory and praise. May Your peace be what guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. As I pray and submit my requests and concerns to You, let me not be anxious or allow Satan to create worry or doubt. Let Your peace rule in my heart. Disappointment is different than doubt. I can leave Richmond disappointed that You have not given me a job, but I will not leave in doubt. I will not doubt Your Sovereignty, Supremacy, or call on my life.”
Prayer answered!! I am more certain than ever of God’s call on my life. I will most likely not be serving with the IMB, but I am still certain that God has called me to serve. I have started working on that whole process and will update later on where I am headed from here.
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!!


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