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Friday, December 26, 2008

Haven Meets Flomina

I took my five Haven boys with me to visit Flomina last week. We went to deliver Christmas gifts to the workers and buy food for the children. It was part of a whole week of learning about Christmas and giving to others.

First of all I explained to our auntie, Naomi, that the "employees" of Flomina have not been paid since last spring. So, to all of the workers, we gave gift bags of maize meal, chapati flour, porridge mix, sugar, cooking oil, soap, etc, along with some shillings equivalent to about one month's salary. (Thank you to all His Cherished Ones supporters!!!!!)
Then, I reminded the boys of all the food that they had eaten since coming to stay with me in Nairobi...beef stew, chicken, pizza, birthday cake, spaghetti.... We went into the kitchen of Flomina and they saw that there was no food for the children for that day. I think they are beginning to see how blessed they are to be at Haven on the Hill. Well, at least the older ones. The little ones were just excited to see the goats! (The goats bought by HFBC team last summer.) Godfrey can't wait to get the goats at Haven. (The goats from HFBC Middle Schoolers! Thanks guys!)

I left the kids there for awhile and went shopping with Sammy (the director) and Florence (the founder). We bought the food from the wholesale place and grocery story, then went back for the produce at a street shop.
All this food, which will last for about two weeks, was about $350. Yep, it will last just two weeks.

As usual, we had to stop by the baby house on our way out. They were outside eating lunch. Such sweet babies!


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