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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday's Child - Kennedy

Little Kennedy is such a sweet guy. He has come a long way and improved greatly over the past few months. He was extremely delayed and malnourished when he came to us, but he is really catching up!
Kennedy is happy little guy who is learning to interact with others. In the beginning, it was very hard for him to truly connect to anyone in a manner of true interaction. He would make eye connection, but not respond in a visible way. But now, look at how his eyes light up when he makes that connection! He loves personal interaction, and I am so glad we have an amazing staff who love to interact with our babies!
Kennedy is not yet walking, but he is very close! He receives physical therapy daily by our staff that was trained for his specific needs. The physiotherapist comes every other week to check on his progress. He is pulling up and standing and can walk along any edge that he can hold on to. He loves to play outside. His favorites are the swing and the rocking see-saw thing, or "the whale" as we call it. He also loves bubbles!
There are still signs of concern in Kennedy's development that we are watching closely. Please pray for his continued growth and development. He still does a lot of stimming (self-stimulation) and the general craziness of the baby house is sometimes too much for him. But overall, he has improved SO much! He is making progress each day, and I have no doubt that he will continue to. He has a weak immune system and if anything is going around at the baby house, poor little Kennedy is likely to get it. :-(

He is a sweet, lovable little guy who loves to be held. Kennedy is a blessing to the baby house and brings joy each time he lights up and laughs. The aunties are keeping watch every day, sometimes making bets on whether Kennedy will take his first steps that day! It is coming soon! :-)

We will be submitting Kennedy's documents for freeing him for adoption in the next month. He will be such a joy to his mommy and daddy!! Wouldn't you just love to wake up to those big, brown eyes each morning?!
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