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Monday, September 19, 2011

Where does time go?

Whoa! I have NOT been doing good at posting lately. Maybe that tells you a bit about our time in America the past few weeks. Julia and I have really enjoyed spending time with friends. It has kept us quite busy. One of the big reasons we came home for an extended period of time is because we want to see friends and meet with the friends of HCO who make it possible for us to be in Kenya, doing what we do. It has been SO fun for Julia to meet my friends, as well as having the chance for us to catch up with each other. We love having the opportunity to share what God is doing through His Cherished Ones! What a blessing to be a part of it, and what a blessing to tell others about it!

Here's Julia with one of our friends, Blake, who happens to be a former student of mine. She LOVED playing with Blake the other night. He taught her how to make music with all kinds of percussion instruments, let her play with his guitars, his keyboard, and even his drum set. She is going to have so many great memories of the people she met in America!
Julia is being a real trooper! It is hard on a barely-three-year-old to have no routine or schedule. She meets numerous new people every day, and we are going from place to place almost all day long. In addition to visiting friends in their homes in the evening, Mommy has been dragging her to Kris's work to see people, lunch appointments, appointments with pastors, and some of my former schools! Granted, she has some moments of shyness or tiredness, but for the most part, she is doing great! I have am proud of her.

We met with my associate pastor who just returned from visiting HCO Kenya (the baby house, the boys and the CH ladies) the other day and I got some of his fabulous pictures of our boys and babies!!!! I will post them soon so you can see how our beautiful little ones are GROWING!!
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