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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An American Lunch

What? We eat UNCOOKED food?!?!  Um, yeah.

Ham & cheese sandwiches.
Peanut better & jelly sandwiches.
Potato chips.
Carrot sticks.

Last week, Susan and Terry and I took lunch to the ladies at the Cherished Handworks (CH) shop. We have had numerous conversations about food and the differences between Kenyan and American food, so we had planned to share our version of a quick lunch with them.

We started off with the explanation of a sandwich and how it is eaten all together. Of course we had to convince them that it was okay to eat the lunch meat, which was not warmed. And lettuce. Well, that was just plain weird to them. Eating a vegetable that is uncooked?!?! And the carrot sticks - cold and uncooked? Again, we must be crazy.

The ladies were great sports. They all ate what they were served. And they really enjoyed it. Or at least they are great pretenders!

Their biggest surprise was that they were actually full and satisfied after the lunch. They are used to eating huge bowl servings of rice or ugali (flour & water). And they do eat bread, with tea. Not as a meal. And when they eat bread, they eat four or five slices. Alone.

Even Julia & Jeremiah got to enjoy lunch at the shop. Again, the ladies were appalled that we allowed our babies to eat COLD food! Apparently, if they eat cold food, they will get cold and then get sick. Who knew? And keep in mind it is summer here. HOT!

Just in case you were wondering, Julia & Miah were fine. They ate all their lunch and did not get sick.
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Kwa Moyo said...

Oh my word this made me smile! :) Got to love culture.

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