Currently, the people in the village get their water from a stream that is NOT clean. Even boiled, it is not recommended to drink. But they don't really know otherwise. So they continue to drink.
Our next step is to buy the pump and the generator and build a pump house. Then, we will install a pipe that runs outside our compound fence so that the people of the community can access without coming onto the compound grounds. It will be open several hours a few days a week. The funding is there, so it will just take a bit of time to get it ready. By January, the community should have plenty of clean water!!
It is amazing what little things we take for granted....like clean water.
God has blessed us with the opportunity to help those around us. We pray that they will be able to see Jesus in this. Pray with us that their eyes would be open to the true Wellspring of Life! May He bless them as He meets even their most basic physical need.